I co-founded as an online platform for documentation, presentation, preservation and research of art practices based on interviews with artists and curators at art biennials, museum exhibits, galleries, and artists’ studios. Established in 2007, the aim of the project is to create knowledge about contemporary art and to expand the possibilities of reflection and discourse. Edited excerpts from the interviews have been screened at museums, art lectures, and university courses.
Click here to view the project on vimeo
Selected list of projects:
Documenta 12 and 13 (2007 and 2012), Kassel, Germany; 53rd Venice Biennale (2009), Venice, Italy; Human/Nature: Artists Respond to a Changing Planet (2008), Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, California; 7th Shanghai Biennale for Contemporary Art (2008), Shanghai, China; Prospect 1 (2008), New Orleans, Louisiana; 10th Istanbul Biennial (2007), Istanbul, Turkey; 7th and 8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art (2012 and 2014), Berlin, Germany.
EMAIL: alexrossnerproduction [AT]